Definition of sonorous

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Sonorous (a.) Yielding sound; characterized by sound; vocal; sonant; as, the vowels are sonorous..

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Swaged :: Swagbelly (n.) Any large tumor developed in the abdomen, and neither fluctuating nor sonorous..
Intonate :: Intonate (v. t.) To utter in a musical or sonorous manner; to chant; as, to intonate the liturgy..
Sonorous :: Sonorous (a.) Loud-sounding; giving a clear or loud sound; as, a sonorous voice..
Intonate :: Intonate (v. i.) To modulate the voice in a musical, sonorous, and measured manner, as in reading the liturgy; to intone..
Sonority :: Sonority (n.) The quality or state of being sonorous; sonorousness.
Vocal :: Vocal (a.) Of or pertaining to a vowel or voice sound; also, /poken with tone, intonation, and resonance; sonant; sonorous; -- said of certain articulate sounds..
Clink :: Clink (v. i.) To cause to give out a slight, sharp, tinkling, sound, as by striking metallic or other sonorous bodies together..
Bronze :: Bronze (a.) An alloy of copper and tin, to which small proportions of other metals, especially zinc, are sometimes added. It is hard and sonorous, and is used for statues, bells, cannon, etc., the proportions of the ingredients being varied to suit the particular purposes. The varieties containing the higher proportions of tin are brittle, as in bell metal and speculum metal..
Laughter :: Laughter (v. i.) A movement (usually involuntary) of the muscles of the face, particularly of the lips, with a peculiar expression of the eyes, indicating merriment, satisfaction, or derision, and usually attended by a sonorous and interrupted expulsion of air from the lungs. See Laugh, v. i..
Sounding :: Sounding (a.) Making or emitting sound; hence, sonorous; as, sounding words..
Thunderous :: Thunderous (a.) Making a noise like thunder; sounding loud and deep; sonorous.
Chink :: Chink (v. i.) To make a slight, sharp, metallic sound, as by the collision of little pieces of money, or other small sonorous bodies..
Sonorous :: Sonorous (a.) Impressive in sound; high-sounding.
Clink :: Clink (n.) A slight, sharp, tinkling sound, made by the collision of sonorous bodies..
Mouth :: Mouth (v. t.) To utter with a voice affectedly big or swelling; to speak in a strained or unnaturally sonorous manner.
Clank :: Clank (n.) A sharp, brief, ringing sound, made by a collision of metallic or other sonorous bodies; -- usually expressing a duller or less resounding sound than clang, and a deeper and stronger sound than clink..
Sonorous :: Sonorous (a.) Yielding sound; characterized by sound; vocal; sonant; as, the vowels are sonorous..
Thundrous :: Thundrous (a.) Thunderous; sonorous.
Whoop :: Whoop (n.) A loud, shrill, prolonged sound or sonorous inspiration, as in whooping cough..
Phoneidoscope :: Phoneidoscope (n.) An instrument for studying the motions of sounding bodies by optical means. It consists of a tube across the end of which is stretched a film of soap solution thin enough to give colored bands, the form and position of which are affected by sonorous vibrations..
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