Definition of song

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Song (n.) A trifle.

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Amadavat :: Amadavat (n.) The strawberry finch, a small Indian song bird (Estrelda amandava), commonly caged and kept for fighting. The female is olive brown; the male, in summer, mostly crimson; -- called also red waxbill..
Fit :: Fit (n.) In Old English, a song; a strain; a canto or portion of a ballad; a passus..
Epode :: Epode (n.) The after song; the part of a lyric ode which follows the strophe and antistrophe, -- the ancient ode being divided into strophe, antistrophe, and epode..
Monody :: Monody (n.) A species of poem of a mournful character, in which a single mourner expresses lamentation; a song for one voice..
Psalmist :: Psalmist (n.) A writer or composer of sacred songs; -- a title particularly applied to David and the other authors of the Scriptural psalms.
Vaudeville :: Vaudeville (n.) A theatrical piece, usually a comedy, the dialogue of which is intermingled with light or satirical songs, set to familiar airs..
Hymenean :: Hymenean (n.) A marriage song.
Singsong :: Singsong (v. i.) To write poor poetry.
Fancy :: Fancy (n.) A sort of love song or light impromptu ballad.
Ground :: Ground (n.) The tune on which descants are raised; the plain song.
Stanza :: Stanza (n.) A number of lines or verses forming a division of a song or poem, and agreeing in meter, rhyme, number of lines, etc., with other divisions; a part of a poem, ordinarily containing every variation of measure in that poem; a combination or arrangement of lines usually recurring; whether like or unlike, in measure..
Glee :: Glee (n.) An unaccompanied part song for three or more solo voices. It is not necessarily gleesome.
Shama :: Shama (n.) A saxicoline singing bird (Kittacincla macroura) of India, noted for the sweetness and power of its song. In confinement it imitates the notes of other birds and various animals with accuracy. Its head, neck, back, breast, and tail are glossy black, the rump white, the under parts chestnut..
Melisma :: Melisma (n.) A piece of melody; a song or tune, -- as opposed to recitative or musical declamation..
Terpsichore :: Terpsichore (n.) The Muse who presided over the choral song and the dance, especially the latter..
Cant :: Cant (v. i.) To speak in a whining voice, or an affected, singsong tone..
Peanism :: Peanism (n.) The song or shout of praise, of battle, or of triumph..
Canvas :: Canvas (n.) A rough draft or model of a song, air, or other literary or musical composition; esp. one to show a poet the measure of the verses he is to make..
Canzonet :: Canzonet (n.) A short song, in one or more parts..
Carol :: Carol (n.) A song of joy, exultation, or mirth; a lay..
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