Definition of ballet

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Ballet (n.) A light part song, or madrigal, with a fa la burden or chorus, -- most common with the Elizabethan madrigal composers..

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Ballet :: Ballet (n.) A bearing in coats of arms, representing one or more balls, which are denominated bezants, plates, etc., according to color..
Figurante :: Figurante (n. fem.) A female figurant; esp., a ballet girl..
Ballet :: Ballet (n.) A light part song, or madrigal, with a fa la burden or chorus, -- most common with the Elizabethan madrigal composers..
Ballet :: Ballet (n.) An artistic dance performed as a theatrical entertainment, or an interlude, by a number of persons, usually women. Sometimes, a scene accompanied by pantomime and dancing..
Divertissement :: Divertissement (n.) A short ballet, or other entertainment, between the acts of a play..
Ballet :: Ballet (n.) The company of persons who perform the ballet.
Coryphee :: Coryphee (n.) A ballet dancer.
Danseuse :: Danseuse (n.) A professional female dancer; a woman who dances at a public exhibition as in a ballet.
Overture :: Overture () A composition, for a full orchestra, designed as an introduction to an oratorio, opera, or ballet, or as an independent piece; -- called in the latter case a concert overture..
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