Definition of solvable

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Solvable (a.) Susceptible of being solved, resolved, or explained; admitting of solution..

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Dichromic :: Dichromic (a.) Furnishing or giving two colors; -- said of defective vision, in which all the compound colors are resolvable into two elements instead of three..
Irresolvableness :: Irresolvableness (n.) The quality or state of being irresolvable; irresolvability.
Irresolvability :: Irresolvability (n.) The quality of being irresolvable; irresolvableness.
Solubility :: Solubility (n.) The quality, condition, or degree of being soluble or solvable; as, the solubility of a salt; the solubility of a problem or intricate difficulty..
Indissolvableness :: Indissolvableness (n.) Indissolubleness.
Solvible :: Solvible (a.) See Solvable.
Insolubility :: Insolubility (n.) The quality or state of being insoluble or not dissolvable, as in a fluid..
Solvable :: Solvable (a.) Susceptible of being solved, resolved, or explained; admitting of solution..
Indecomposable :: Indecomposable (a.) Not decomposable; incapable or difficult of decomposition; not resolvable into its constituents or elements.
Insolvable :: Insolvable (a.) Incapable of being paid or discharged, as debts..
Irresolvable :: Irresolvable (a.) Incapable of being resolved; not separable into component parts.
Resolvability :: Resolvability (n.) The quality or condition of being resolvable; resolvableness.
Resolvableness :: Resolvableness (n.) The quality of being resolvable; resolvability.
Solvable :: Solvable (a.) Able to pay one's debts; solvent.
Insoluble :: Insoluble (a.) Not to be solved or explained; insolvable; as, an insoluble doubt, question, or difficulty..
Solvability :: Solvability (n.) The quality or state of being solvable; as, the solvability of a difficulty; the solvability of a problem..
Indissolvable :: Indissolvable (a.) Not dissolvable; incapable of being dissolved or separated; incapable o/ separation; perpetually firm and binding; indissoluble; as, an indissolvable bond of union..
Insolvable :: Insolvable (a.) Not capable of being loosed or disentangled; inextricable.
Insolubility :: Insolubility (n.) The quality of being inexplicable or insolvable.
Solvable :: Solvable (a.) Capable of being paid and discharged; as, solvable obligations..
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