Definition of solomon

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Solomon (n.) One of the kings of Israel, noted for his superior wisdom and magnificent reign; hence, a very wise man..

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Antecedent :: Antecedent (n.) The noun to which a relative refers; as, in the sentence Solomon was the prince who built the temple, prince is the antecedent of who..
Dedication :: Dedication (n.) The act of setting apart or consecrating to a divine Being, or to a sacred use, often with religious solemnities; solemn appropriation; as, the dedication of Solomon's temple..
Lady''s Seal :: Lady's seal () The European Solomon's seal (Polygonatum verticillatum).
Whitewort :: Whitewort (n.) A kind of Solomon's seal (Polygonum officinale).
Laver :: Laver (n.) One of several vessels in Solomon's Temple in which the offerings for burnt sacrifices were washed.
Solomon :: Solomon (n.) One of the kings of Israel, noted for his superior wisdom and magnificent reign; hence, a very wise man..
Canticle :: Canticle (n.) The Song of Songs or Song of Solomon, one of the books of the Old Testament..
Pool :: Pool (n.) A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a reservoir for water; as, the pools of Solomon..
Shekinah :: Shekinah (n.) The visible majesty of the Divine Presence, especially when resting or dwelling between the cherubim on the mercy seat, in the Tabernacle, or in the Temple of Solomon; -- a term used in the Targums and by the later Jews, and adopted by Christians..
Antonomasia :: Antonomasia (n.) The use of some epithet or the name of some office, dignity, or the like, instead of the proper name of the person; as when his majesty is used for a king, or when, instead of Aristotle, we say, the philosopher; or, conversely, the use of a proper name instead of an appellative, as when a wise man is called a Solomon, or an eminent orator a Cicero..
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