Definition of solemnize

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of solemnize is as below...

Solemnize (v. t.) To dignify or honor by ceremonies; to celebrate.

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Opetide :: Opetide (n.) The time between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday wherein marriages were formerly solemnized publicly in churches. [Eng..
Solemnize :: Solemnize (v. t.) To make grave, serious, and reverential..
Celebrate :: Celebrate (v. t.) To perform or participate in, as a sacrament or solemn rite; to solemnize; to perform with appropriate rites; as, to celebrate a marriage..
Solemnized :: Solemnized (imp. & p. p.) of Solemniz.
Solemnize :: Solemnize (v. t.) To dignify or honor by ceremonies; to celebrate.
Solemnizer :: Solemnizer (n.) One who solemnizes.
Solemnize :: Solemnize (v. t.) To perform with solemn or ritual ceremonies, or according to legal forms..
Unsolemnize :: Unsolemnize (v. t.) To divest of solemnity.
Precontract :: Precontract (n.) a contract of marriage which, according to the ancient law, rendered void a subsequent marriage solemnized in violation of it..
Solemnizate :: Solemnizate (v. t.) To solemnize; as, to solemnizate matrimony..
Solemnize :: Solemnize (n.) Solemnization.
Keep :: Keep (v. t.) To observe duty, as a festival, etc. ; to celebrate; to solemnize; as, to keep a feast..
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