Definition of solder

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Solder (n.) A metal or metallic alloy used when melted for uniting adjacent metallic edges or surfaces; a metallic cement.

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Ferrumination :: Ferrumination (n.) The soldering ir uniting of me/ als.
Tack :: Tack (v. t.) Especially, to attach or secure in a slight or hasty manner, as by stitching or nailing; as, to tack together the sheets of a book; to tack one piece of cloth to another; to tack on a board or shingle; to tack one piece of metal to another by drops of solder..
Ferruminate :: Ferruminate (v. t.) To solder or unite, as metals..
Borax :: Borax (n.) A white or gray crystalline salt, with a slight alkaline taste, used as a flux, in soldering metals, making enamels, fixing colors on porcelain, and as a soap. It occurs native in certain mineral springs, and is made from the boric acid of hot springs in Tuscany. It was originally obtained from a lake in Thibet, and was sent to Europe under the name of tincal. Borax is a pyroborate or tetraborate of sodium, Na2B4O7.10H2O..
Unsolder :: Unsolder (v. t.) To separate or disunite, as what has been soldered; hence, to divide; to sunder..
Grozing Iron :: Grozing iron () A tool for smoothing the solder joints of lead pipe.
Solder :: Solder (n.) To unite (metallic surfaces or edges) by the intervention of a more fusible metal or metallic alloy applied when melted; to join by means of metallic cement.
Solder :: Solder (n.) A metal or metallic alloy used when melted for uniting adjacent metallic edges or surfaces; a metallic cement.
Soder :: Soder (n. & v. t.) See Solder.
Fugitive :: Fugitive (a.) Fleeing from pursuit, danger, restraint, etc., escaping, from service, duty etc.; as, a fugitive solder; a fugitive slave; a fugitive debtor..
Tin :: Tin (n.) An elementary substance found as an oxide in the mineral cassiterite, and reduced as a soft white crystalline metal, malleable at ordinary temperatures, but brittle when heated. It is not easily oxidized in the air, and is used chiefly to coat iron to protect it from rusting, in the form of tin foil with mercury to form the reflective surface of mirrors, and in solder, bronze, speculum metal, and other alloys. Its compounds are designated as stannous, or stannic. Symbol Sn (Stannum). At
Solderer :: Solderer (n.) One who solders.
Sawder :: Sawder (n.) A corrupt spelling and pronunciation of solder.
Solder :: Solder (n.) To mend; to patch up.
Solder :: Solder (n.) anything which unites or cements.
Soldered :: Soldered (imp. & p. p.) of Solde.
Braze :: Braze (v. i.) To solder with hard solder, esp. with an alloy of copper and zinc; as, to braze the seams of a copper pipe..
Lead :: Lead (n.) One of the elements, a heavy, pliable, inelastic metal, having a bright, bluish color, but easily tarnished. It is both malleable and ductile, though with little tenacity, and is used for tubes, sheets, bullets, etc. Its specific gravity is 11.37. It is easily fusible, forms alloys with other metals, and is an ingredient of solder and type metal. Atomic weight, 206.4. Symbol Pb (L. Plumbum). It is chiefly obtained from the mineral galena, lead sulphide..
Soldering :: Soldering () a. & n. from Solder, v. t..
Tinker :: Tinker (v. t.) To mend or solder, as metal wares; hence, more generally, to mend..
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