Definition of soar

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Soar (v. i.) To fly aloft, as a bird; to mount upward on wings, or as on wings..

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Overtower :: Overtower (v. i.) To soar too high.
Aspire :: Aspire (v. t.) To rise; to ascend; to tower; to soar.
Wingy :: Wingy (a.) Soaring with wings, or as if with wings; volatile airy..
Soar :: Soar (v. i.) Fig.: To rise in thought, spirits, or imagination; to be exalted in mood..
Sty :: Sty (v. i.) To soar; to ascend; to mount. See Stirrup.
Trussing :: Trussing (n.) The act of a hawk, or other bird of prey, in seizing its quarry, and soaring with it into air..
Mesoarium :: Mesoarium (n.) The fold of peritoneum which suspends the ovary from the dorsal wall of the body cavity.
Soaring :: Soaring () a. & n. from Soar.
Soared :: Soared (imp. & p. p.) of Soa.
Tower :: Tower (v. t.) To soar into.
Icarian :: Icarian (a.) Soaring too high for safety, like Icarus; adventurous in flight..
Soar :: Soar (v. i.) To fly aloft, as a bird; to mount upward on wings, or as on wings..
Eagle-winged :: Eagle-winged (a.) Having the wings of an eagle; swift, or soaring high, like an eagle..
Upsoar :: Upsoar (v. i.) To soar or mount up.
Kite :: Kite (n.) Any raptorial bird of the subfamily Milvinae, of which many species are known. They have long wings, adapted for soaring, and usually a forked tail..
Soar :: Soar (a.) See Sore, reddish brown..
Winged :: Winged (a.) Soaring with wings, or as if with wings; hence, elevated; lofty; sublime..
Soar :: Soar (n.) The act of soaring; upward flight.
Soar :: Soar (a.) See 3d Sore.
Hawk :: Hawk (v. i.) To make an attack while on the wing; to soar and strike like a hawk; -- generally with at; as, to hawk at flies..
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