Definition of sluggish

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Sluggish (a.) Habitually idle and lazy; slothful; dull; inactive; as, a sluggish man..

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Slothful :: Slothful (a.) Addicted to sloth; inactive; sluggish; lazy; indolent; idle.
Lobcock :: Lobcock (n.) A dull, sluggish person; a lubber; a lob..
Lentitude :: Lentitude (a.) Slowness; sluggishness.
Sluggish :: Sluggish (a.) Slow; having little motion; as, a sluggish stream..
Sluggish :: Sluggish (a.) Characteristic of a sluggard; dull; stupid; tame; simple.
Heaviness :: Heaviness (n.) The state or quality of being heavy in its various senses; weight; sadness; sluggishness; oppression; thickness.
Sloggy :: Sloggy (a.) Sluggish.
Inertness :: Inertness (n.) Want of activity or exertion; habitual indisposition to action or motion; sluggishness; apathy; insensibility.
Inertly :: Inertly (adv.) Without activity; sluggishly.
Leaden :: Leaden (a.) Heavy; dull; sluggish.
Sluggish :: Sluggish (a.) Habitually idle and lazy; slothful; dull; inactive; as, a sluggish man..
Slow :: Slow (superl.) Not ready; not prompt or quick; dilatory; sluggish; as, slow of speech, and slow of tongue..
Laggard :: Laggard (a.) Slow; sluggish; backward.
Sullevate :: Sullen (v. t.) To make sullen or sluggish.
Stupid :: Stupid (a.) Very dull; insensible; senseless; wanting in understanding; heavy; sluggish; in a state of stupor; -- said of persons.
Phlegm :: Phlegm (a.) Sluggishness of temperament; dullness; want of interest; indifference; coldness.
Dilatory :: Dilatory (a.) Marked by procrastination or delay; tardy; slow; sluggish; -- said of actions or measures.
Oscitant :: Oscitant (a.) Sleepy; drowsy; dull; sluggish; careless.
Torpid :: Torpid (a.) Dull; stupid; sluggish; inactive.
Inergetical :: Inergetical (a.) Having no energy; sluggish.
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