Definition of beggar

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Beggar (n.) One who makes it his business to ask alms.

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Maunder :: Maunder (n.) A beggar.
Bezonian :: Bezonian (n.) A low fellow or scoundrel; a beggar.
Beggary :: Beggary (n.) Beggarly appearance.
Sticky :: Stick-tight (n.) Beggar's ticks.
Canter :: Canter (n.) One who cants or whines; a beggar.
Beggar''s Ticks :: Beggar's ticks () The bur marigold (Bidens) and its achenes, which are armed with barbed awns, and adhere to clothing and fleeces with unpleasant tenacity..
Beggarliness :: Beggarliness (n.) The quality or state of being beggarly; meanness.
Mump :: Mump (v. i.) To cheat; to deceive; to play the beggar.
Beggar :: Beggar (v. t.) To reduce to beggary; to impoverish; as, he had beggared himself..
Bur Marigold :: Bur marigold () See Beggar's ticks.
Beggary :: Beggary (a.) Beggarly.
Beggar''s Lice :: Beggar's lice () The prickly fruit or seed of certain plants (as some species of Echinospermum and Cynoglossum) which cling to the clothing of those who brush by them.
Shack :: Shack (n.) A shiftless fellow; a low, itinerant beggar; a vagabond; a tramp..
Proletariate :: Proletariate (n.) The lower classes; beggars.
Palliard :: Palliard (n.) A born beggar; a vagabond.
Bluegown :: Bluegown (n.) One of a class of paupers or pensioners, or licensed beggars, in Scotland, to whim annually on the king's birthday were distributed certain alms, including a blue gown; a beadsman..
Mendicant :: Mendicant (n.) A beggar; esp., one who makes a business of begging; specifically, a begging friar..
Caird :: Caird (n.) A traveling tinker; also a tramp or sturdy beggar.
Pertinacious :: Pertinacious (a.) Holding or adhering to any opinion, purpose, or design, with obstinacy; perversely persistent; obstinate; as, pertinacious plotters; a pertinacious beggar..
Walleteer :: Walleteer (n.) One who carries a wallet; a foot traveler; a tramping beggar.
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