Integropallial :: Integropallial (a.) Having the pallial line entire, or without a sinus, as certain bivalve shells..
Pallial :: Pallial (a.) Of or pretaining to a mantle, especially to the mantle of mollusks; produced by the mantle; as, the pallial line, or impression, which marks the attachment of the mantle on the inner surface of a bivalve shell. See Illust. of Bivalve..
Palliate :: Palliate (a.) Covered with a mant/e; cloaked; disguised.
Palliate :: Palliate (a.) Eased; mitigated; alleviated.
Palliate :: Palliate (v. t.) To cover with a mantle or cloak; to cover up; to hide.
Palliate :: Palliate (v. t.) To cover with excuses; to conceal the enormity of, by excuses and apologies; to extenuate; as, to palliate faults..
Palliate :: Palliate (v. t.) To reduce in violence; to lessen or abate; to mitigate; to ease withhout curing; as, to palliate a disease..
Palliation :: Palliation (n.) The act of palliating, or state of being palliated; extenuation; excuse; as, the palliation of faults, offenses, vices..
Palliation :: Palliation (n.) Mitigation; alleviation, as of a disease..
Palliation :: Palliation (n.) That which cloaks or covers; disguise; also, the state of being covered or disguised..
Palliative :: Palliative (a.) Serving to palliate; serving to extenuate or mitigate.
Palliative :: Palliative (n.) That which palliates; a palliative agent.