Definition of syrup

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Syrup (n.) A thick and viscid liquid made from the juice of fruits, herbs, etc., boiled with sugar..

Lern More About Syrup

Syrup :: Syrup (n.) A thick and viscid saccharine solution of superior quality (as sugarhouse sirup or molasses, maple sirup); specifically, in pharmacy and often in cookery, a saturated solution of sugar and water (simple sirup), or such a solution flavored or medicated..
Syrup :: Syrup (n.) A thick and viscid liquid made from the juice of fruits, herbs, etc., boiled with sugar..
Syruped :: Syruped (a.) Moistened, covered, or sweetened with sirup, or sweet juice..
Syrupy :: Syrupy (a.) Like sirup, or partaking of its qualities..
Syssarcosis :: Syrupy (a.) Same as Sirup, Sirupy..
Siruped :: Siruped (a.) Alt. of Syrupe.
Sirupy :: Sirupy (a.) Alt. of Syrup.
Syrupy :: Syrup (a.) Alt. of Syrup.
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