Definition of signor

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of signor is as below...

Signor (n.) Alt. of Signor.

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Consignor :: Consignor (n.) One who consigns something to another; -- opposed to consignee.
Signore :: Signore (n.) Sir; Mr.; -- a title of address or respect among the Italians. Before a noun the form is Signor.
Monsignors :: Monsignors (pl. ) of Monsignor.
Signora :: Signora (n.) Madam; Mrs; -- a title of address or respect among the Italians.
Consigner :: Consigner (n.) One who consigns. See Consignor.
Monsignore :: Monsignore (n.) My lord; -- an ecclesiastical dignity bestowed by the pope, entitling the bearer to social and domestic rank at the papal court. (Abbrev. Mgr.).
Signior :: Signior (n.) Sir; Mr. The English form and pronunciation for the Italian Signor and the Spanish Se�or.
Madonna :: Madonna (n.) My lady; -- a term of address in Italian formerly used as the equivalent of Madame, but for which Signora is now substituted. Sometimes introduced into English..
Consignee :: Consignee (n.) The person to whom goods or other things are consigned; a factor; -- correlative to consignor.
Signorina :: Signorina (n.) Miss; -- a title of address among the Italians.
Assignor :: Assignor (n.) An assigner; a person who assigns or transfers an interest; as, the assignor of a debt or other chose in action..
Signor :: Signor (n.) Alt. of Signor.
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