Definition of shuffling

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Shuffling (a.) Moving with a dragging, scraping step..

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Evasive :: Evasive (a.) Tending to evade, or marked by evasion; elusive; shuffling; avoiding by artifice..
Shuffling :: Shuffling (v.) In a shuffling manner.
Shuffle :: Shuffle (n.) The act of shuffling; a mixing confusedly; a slovenly, dragging motion..
Scamble :: Scamble (v. i.) To move awkwardly; to be shuffling, irregular, or unsteady; to sprawl; to shamble..
Prevarication :: Prevarication (n.) The act of prevaricating, shuffling, or quibbling, to evade the truth or the disclosure of truth; a deviation from the truth and fair dealing..
Breakdown :: Breakdown (n.) Any rude, noisy dance performed by shuffling the feet, usually by one person at a time..
Shuffling :: Shuffling (a.) Evasive; as, a shuffling excuse..
Slipshod :: Slipshod (a.) Figuratively: Careless in dress, manners, style, etc.; slovenly; shuffling; as, slipshod manners; a slipshod or loose style of writing..
Shuffling :: Shuffling (a.) Moving with a dragging, scraping step..
Breakdown :: Breakdown (n.) A noisy, rapid, shuffling dance engaged in competitively by a number of persons or pairs in succession, as among the colored people of the Southern United States, and so called, perhaps, because the exercise is continued until most of those who take part in it break down..
Shuffling :: Shuffling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Shuffl.
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