Definition of shears

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Shears (n.) An instrument consisting of two blades, commonly with bevel edges, connected by a pivot, and working on both sides of the material to be cut, -- used for cutting cloth and other substances..

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Scissors :: Scissors (n. pl.) A cutting instrument resembling shears, but smaller, consisting of two cutting blades with handles, movable on a pin in the center, by which they are held together. Often called a pair of scissors..
Shears :: Shears (n.) A pair of wings.
Snip :: Snip (v. t.) To cut off the nip or neb of, or to cut off at once with shears or scissors; to clip off suddenly; to nip; hence, to break off; to snatch away..
Shears :: Shears (n.) A shearing machine; a blade, or a set of blades, working against a resisting edge..
Shear :: Shear (v. t.) To cut, clip, or sever anything from with shears or a like instrument; as, to shear sheep; to shear cloth..
Shearing :: Shearing (n.) The act or operation of clipping with shears or a shearing machine, as the wool from sheep, or the nap from cloth..
Shears :: Shears (n.) An instrument consisting of two blades, commonly with bevel edges, connected by a pivot, and working on both sides of the material to be cut, -- used for cutting cloth and other substances..
Shears :: Shears (n.) The bedpiece of a machine tool, upon which a table or slide rest is secured; as, the shears of a lathe or planer. See Illust. under Lathe..
Forfex :: Forfex (n.) A pair of shears.
Clip :: Clip (v. t.) To cut off; as with shears or scissors; as, to clip the hair; to clip coin..
Shearing :: Shearing (n.) The act or operation of dividing with shears; as, the shearing of metal plates..
Shears :: Shears (n.) A similar instrument the blades of which are extensions of a curved spring, -- used for shearing sheep or skins..
Shearing :: Shearing (n.) The product of the act or operation of clipping with shears or a shearing machine; as, the whole shearing of a flock; the shearings from cloth..
Shears :: Shears (n.) Anything in the form of shears.
Shear :: Shear (v. t.) To separate or sever with shears or a similar instrument; to cut off; to clip (something) from a surface; as, to shear a fleece..
Shears :: Shears (n.) A cutting instrument.
Sheep-shearer :: Sheep-shearer (n.) One who shears, or cuts off the wool from, sheep..
Shear :: Shear (v. t.) A pair of shears; -- now always used in the plural, but formerly also in the singular. See Shears..
Snip :: Snip (n.) A single cut, as with shears or scissors; a clip..
Costotome :: Costotome (n.) An instrument (chisel or shears) to cut the ribs and open the thoracic cavity, in post-mortem examinations and dissections..
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