Definition of sharpen

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Sharpen (a.) To make biting, sarcastic, or severe..

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Gunflint :: Gunflint (n.) A sharpened flint for the lock of a gun, to ignite the charge. It was in common use before the introduction of percussion caps..
Spiculate :: Spiculate (v. t.) To sharpen to a point.
Exacuate :: Exacuate (v. t.) To whet or sharpen.
Hone :: Hone (v. t.) To sharpen on, or with, a hone; to rub on a hone in order to sharpen; as, to hone a razor..
Frost :: Frost (v. t.) To roughen or sharpen, as the nail heads or calks of horseshoes, so as to fit them for frosty weather..
Sharpen :: Sharpen (a.) To make more pungent and intense; as, to sharpen a pain or disease..
Sharpen :: Sharpen (a.) To give a keen edge or fine point to; to make sharper; as, to sharpen an ax, or the teeth of a saw..
Acuate :: Acuate (a.) Sharpened; sharp-pointed.
Scythestone :: Scythestone (n.) A stone for sharpening scythes; a whetstone.
Harpoon :: Harpoon (n.) A spear or javelin used to strike and kill large fish, as whales; a harping iron. It consists of a long shank, with a broad, fiat, triangular head, sharpened at both edges, and is thrown by hand, or discharged from a gun..
Acuate :: Acuate (v. t.) To sharpen; to make pungent; to quicken.
Keen :: Keen (v. t.) To sharpen; to make cold.
Sickle :: Sickle (n.) A reaping instrument consisting of a steel blade curved into the form of a hook, and having a handle fitted on a tang. The sickle has one side of the blade notched, so as always to sharpen with a serrated edge. Cf. Reaping hook, under Reap..
Sharpen :: Sharpen (a.) To render more quick or acute in perception; to make more ready or ingenious.
Sharpen :: Sharpen (a.) To raise, as a sound, by means of a sharp; to apply a sharp to..
Strop :: Strop (v. t.) To draw over, or rub upon, a strop with a view to sharpen; as, to strop a razor..
Stonebird :: Stone (n.) To rub, scour, or sharpen with a stone..
Acuition :: Acuition (n.) The act of sharpening.
Sharpening :: Sharpening (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sharpe.
Whittle :: Whittle (v. t.) To edge; to sharpen; to render eager or excited; esp., to excite with liquor; to inebriate..
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