Definition of shareholder

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Shareholder (n.) One who holds or owns a share or shares in a joint fund or property.

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Bonus :: Bonus (n.) An extra dividend to the shareholders of a joint stock company, out of accumulated profits..
Assientist :: Assientist (n.) A shareholder of the Assiento company; one of the parties to the Assiento contract.
Shareholder :: Shareholder (n.) One who holds or owns a share or shares in a joint fund or property.
Dividend :: Dividend (n.) A sum of money to be divided and distributed; the share of a sum divided that falls to each individual; a distribute sum, share, or percentage; -- applied to the profits as appropriated among shareholders, and to assets as apportioned among creditors; as, the dividend of a bank, a railway corporation, or a bankrupt estate..
Actionist :: Actionist (n.) A shareholder in joint-stock company.
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