Definition of shank

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Shank (v.) A large ladle for molten metal, fitted with long bars for handling it..

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Baybolt :: Baybolt (n.) A bolt with a barbed shank.
Chine :: Chine (n.) A chink or cleft; a narrow and deep ravine; as, Shanklin Chine in the Isle of Wight, a quarter of a mile long and 230 feet deep..
Shank :: Shank (v.) The part of the leg from the knee to the foot; the shin; the shin bone; also, the whole leg..
Shankbeer :: Shankbeer (n.) See Schenkbeer.
Shank :: Shank (v.) The body of a type.
Canon Bone :: Canon bone () The shank bone, or great bone above the fetlock, in the fore and hind legs of the horse and allied animals, corresponding to the middle metacarpal or metatarsal bone of most mammals. See Horse..
Kerned :: Kerned (a.) Having part of the face projecting beyond the body or shank; -- said of type.
Epipodiale :: Epipodiale (n.) One of the bones of either the forearm or shank, the epipodialia being the radius, ulna, tibia, and fibula..
Rat-tail :: Rat-tail (n.) An excrescence growing from the pastern to the middle of the shank of a horse.
Teuk :: Teuk (n.) The redshank.
Shank :: Shank (v.) Flat-nosed pliers, used by opticians for nipping off the edges of pieces of glass to make them round..
Sheepshank :: Sheepshank (n.) A hitch by which a rope may be temporarily shortened.
Pellile :: Pellile (n.) The redshank; -- so called from its note.
Butteris :: Butteris (n.) A steel cutting instrument, with a long bent shank set in a handle which rests against the shoulder of the operator. It is operated by a thrust movement, and used in paring the hoofs of horses..
Shank :: Shank (v.) The middle part of an anchor, or that part which is between the ring and the arms..
Stock :: Stock (n.) The wooden or iron crosspiece to which the shank of an anchor is attached. See Illust. of Anchor.
Shank :: Shank (v.) The part of the sole beneath the instep connecting the broader front part with the heel.
Mousing :: Mousing (n.) A turn or lashing of spun yarn or small stuff, or a metallic clasp or fastening, uniting the point and shank of a hook to prevent its unhooking or straighening out..
Nut :: Nut (n.) A projection on each side of the shank of an anchor, to secure the stock in place..
Hardy :: Hardy (n.) A blacksmith's fuller or chisel, having a square shank for insertion into a square hole in an anvil, called the hardy hole..
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