Angostura Bark :: Angostura bark () An aromatic bark used as a tonic, obtained from a South American of the rue family (Galipea cusparia, / officinalis)..
Bark Beetle :: Bark beetle () A small beetle of many species (family Scolytidae), which in the larval state bores under or in the bark of trees, often doing great damage..
Bark Louse :: Bark louse () An insect of the family Coccidae, which infests the bark of trees and vines..
Barkentine :: Barkentine (n.) A threemasted vessel, having the foremast square-rigged, and the others schooner-rigged. [Spelled also barquentine, barkantine, etc.] See Illust. in Append..
Barker :: Barker (n.) An animal that barks; hence, any one who clamors unreasonably..
Barker :: Barker (n.) One who stands at the doors of shops to urg/ passers by to make purchases.
Barker :: Barker (n.) One who strips trees of their bark.
Barker''s Mill :: Barker's mill () A machine, invented in the 17th century, worked by a form of reaction wheel. The water flows into a vertical tube and gushes from apertures in hollow horizontal arms, causing the machine to revolve on its axis..