Definition of sexually

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Sexually (adv.) In a sexual manner or relation.

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Syne :: Syndyasmian (a.) Pertaining to the state of pairing together sexually; -- said of animals during periods of procreation and while rearing their offspring.
Sexually :: Sexually (adv.) In a sexual manner or relation.
Digenous :: Digenous (a.) Sexually reproductive.
Swarmspore :: Swarmspore (n.) One of innumerable minute, motile, reproductive bodies, produced asexually by certain algae and fungi; a zoospore..
Monkflower :: Monkflower (n.) A name of certain curious orchids which bear three kinds of flowers formerly referred to three genera, but now ascertained to be sexually different forms of the same genus (Catasetum tridentatum, etc.)..
Asexually :: Asexually (adv.) In an asexual manner; without sexual agency.
Digenesis :: Digenesis (n.) The faculty of multiplying in two ways; -- by ova fecundated by spermatic fluid, and asexually, as by buds. See Parthenogenesis..
Pollute :: Pollute (v. t.) To violate sexually; to debauch; to dishonor.
Strobile :: Strobile (n.) An individual asexually producing sexual individuals differing from itself also in other respects, as the tapeworm, -- one of the forms that occur in metagenesis..
Compress :: Compress (v. t.) To embrace sexually.
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