Definition of settler

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Settler (n.) That which settles or finishes; hence, a blow, etc., which settles or decides a contest..

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Africander :: Africander (n.) One born in Africa, the offspring of a white father and a colored mother. Also, and now commonly in Southern Africa, a native born of European settlers..
Mortality :: Mortality (n.) The whole sum or number of deaths in a given time or a given community; also, the proportion of deaths to population, or to a specific number of the population; death rate; as, a time of great, or low, mortality; the mortality among the settlers was alarming..
Peopler :: Peopler (n.) A settler; an inhabitant.
Ostmen :: Ostmen (n. pl.) East men; Danish settlers in Ireland, formerly so called..
Settler :: Settler (n.) A vessel, as a tub, in which something, as pulverized ore suspended in a liquid, is allowed to settle..
Bushman :: Bushman (n.) A woodsman; a settler in the bush.
Settler :: Settler (n.) Especially, one who establishes himself in a new region or a colony; a colonist; a planter; as, the first settlers of New England..
Settler :: Settler (n.) One who settles, becomes fixed, established, etc..
Backsettler :: Backsettler (n.) One living in the back or outlying districts of a community.
Settler :: Settler (n.) That which settles or finishes; hence, a blow, etc., which settles or decides a contest..
Settlement :: Settlement (n.) The act of peopling, or state of being peopled; act of planting, as a colony; colonization; occupation by settlers; as, the settlement of a new country..
Antirenter :: Antirenter (n.) One opposed to the payment of rent; esp. one of those who in 1840-47 resisted the collection of rents claimed by the patroons from the settlers on certain manorial lands in the State of New York.
Outsettler :: Outsettler (n.) One who settles at a distance, or away, from others..
Sockdolager :: Sockdolager (n.) That which finishes or ends a matter; a settler; a poser, as a heavy blow, a conclusive answer, and the like..
Claim :: Claim (n.) The thing claimed or demanded; that (as land) to which any one intends to establish a right; as a settler's claim; a miner's claim.
Choctaws :: Choctaws (n. pl.) A tribe of North American Indians (Southern Appalachian), in early times noted for their pursuit of agriculture, and for living at peace with the white settlers. They are now one of the civilized tribes of the Indian Territory..
Preemption :: Preemption (n.) The right of an actual settler upon public lands (particularly those of the United States) to purchase a certain portion at a fixed price in preference to all other applicants.
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