Definition of servile

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Servile (n.) An element which forms no part of the original root; -- opposed to radical.

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Adulate :: Adulate (v. t.) To flatter in a servile way.
Creature :: Creature (n.) A person who owes his rise and fortune to another; a servile dependent; an instrument; a tool.
Adulation :: Adulation (n.) Servile flattery; praise in excess, or beyond what is merited..
Obsequious :: Obsequious (a.) Servilely or meanly attentive; compliant to excess; cringing; fawning; as, obsequious flatterer, parasite..
Observance :: Observance (n.) Servile attention; sycophancy.
Root :: Root (v. i.) Hence, to seek for favor or advancement by low arts or groveling servility; to fawn servilely..
Servile :: Servile (a.) Not itself sounded, but serving to lengthen the preceeding vowel, as e in tune..
Menial :: Menial (n.) A domestic servant or retainer, esp. one of humble rank; one employed in low or servile offices..
Menial :: Menial (n.) Pertaining to servants, esp. domestic servants; servile; low; mean..
Menial :: Menial (n.) A person of a servile character or disposition.
Adulator :: Adulator (n.) A servile or hypocritical flatterer.
Parrotry :: Parrotry (n.) Servile imitation or repetition.
Poking :: Poking (a.) Drudging; servile.
Ape :: Ape (n.) One who imitates servilely (in allusion to the manners of the ape); a mimic.
Labor :: Labor (n.) Physical toil or bodily exertion, especially when fatiguing, irksome, or unavoidable, in distinction from sportive exercise; hard, muscular effort directed to some useful end, as agriculture, manufactures, and like; servile toil; exertion; work..
Subserviently :: Subservient (a.) Fitted or disposed to subserve; useful in an inferior capacity; serving to promote some end; subordinate; hence, servile, truckling..
Labor :: Labor (n.) To exert muscular strength; to exert one's strength with painful effort, particularly in servile occupations; to work; to toil..
Apishly :: Apishly (adv.) In an apish manner; with servile imitation; foppishly.
Drudge :: Drudge (n.) One who drudges; one who works hard in servile employment; a mental servant.
Fawn :: Fawn (n.) A servile cringe or bow; mean flattery; sycophancy.
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