Definition of acerb

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Acerb (a.) Sour, bitter, and harsh to the taste, as unripe fruit; sharp and harsh..

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Exacerrating :: Exacerrating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Exacerbat.
Exacerbation :: Exacerbation (n.) The act rendering more violent or bitter; the state of being exacerbated or intensified in violence or malignity; as, exacerbation of passion..
Antiperiodic :: Antiperiodic (n.) A remedy possessing the property of preventing the return of periodic paroxysms, or exacerbations, of disease, as in intermittent fevers..
Acerbity :: Acerbity (n.) Harshness, bitterness, or severity; as, acerbity of temper, of language, of pain..
Acerbity :: Acerbity (n.) Sourness of taste, with bitterness and astringency, like that of unripe fruit..
Neuralgia :: Neuralgia (n.) A disease, the chief symptom of which is a very acute pain, exacerbating or intermitting, which follows the course of a nervous branch, extends to its ramifications, and seems therefore to be seated in the nerve. It seems to be independent of any structural lesion..
Acerb :: Acerb (a.) Sour, bitter, and harsh to the taste, as unripe fruit; sharp and harsh..
Acerbitude :: Acerbitude (n.) Sourness and harshness.
Exasperation :: Exasperation (n.) Increase of violence or malignity; aggravation; exacerbation.
Period :: Period (n.) The time of the exacerbation and remission of a disease, or of the paroxysm and intermission..
Exacerrated :: Exacerrated (imp. & p. p.) of Exacerbat.
Acerbate :: Acerbate (v. t.) To sour; to imbitter; to irritate.
Fit :: Fit (n.) A sudden and violent attack of a disorder; a stroke of disease, as of epilepsy or apoplexy, which produces convulsions or unconsciousness; a convulsion; a paroxysm; hence, a period of exacerbation of a disease; in general, an attack of disease; as, a fit of sickness..
Austereness :: Austereness (n.) Harshness or astringent sourness to the taste; acerbity.
Acerbic :: Acerbic (a.) Sour or severe.
Exacerbescence :: Exacerbescence (n.) Increase of irritation or violence, particularly the increase of a fever or disease..
Exacerbation :: Exacerbation (n.) A periodical increase of violence in a disease, as in remittent or continious fever; an increased energy of diseased and painful action..
Exacerbate :: Exacerbate (v. t.) To render more violent or bitter; to irriate; to exasperate; to imbitter, as passions or disease..
Austere :: Austere () Sour and astringent; rough to the state; having acerbity; as, an austere crab apple; austere wine..
Paroxysm :: Paroxysm (n.) The fit, attack, or exacerbation, of a disease that occurs at intervals, or has decided remissions or intermissions..
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