Definition of serial

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Serial (a.) Of or pertaining to a series; consisting of a series; appearing in successive parts or numbers; as, a serial work or publication..

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Uniserial :: Uniserial (a.) Having only one row or series.
Articulation :: Articulation (n.) One of the parts intercepted between the joints; also, a subdivision into parts at regular or irregular intervals as a result of serial intermission in growth, as in the cane, grasses, etc..
Curviserial :: Curviserial (a.) Distributed in a curved line, as leaves along a stem..
Rectiserial :: Rectiserial (a.) Arranged in exactly vertical ranks, as the leaves on stems of many kinds; -- opposed to curviserial..
Triserial :: Triserial (a.) Alt. of Triseriat.
Metamerism :: Metamerism (n.) The symmetry of a metameric structure; serial symmetry; the state of being made up of metameres.
Serial :: Serial (a.) Of or pertaining to a series; consisting of a series; appearing in successive parts or numbers; as, a serial work or publication..
Serial :: Serial (n.) A publication appearing in a series or succession of part; a tale, or other writing, published in successive numbers of a periodical..
Vertebra :: Vertebra (n.) One of the serial segments of the spinal column.
Folio :: Folio (n.) A page of a book; (Bookkeeping) a page in an account book; sometimes, two opposite pages bearing the same serial number..
Merosome :: Merosome (n.) One of the serial segments, or metameres, of which the bodies of vertebrate and articulate animals are composed..
Seriality :: Seriality (n.) The quality or state of succession in a series; sequence.
Multiserial :: Multiserial (a.) Arranged in many rows, or series, as the scales of a pine cone, or the leaves of the houseleek..
Serial :: Serial (a.) Of or pertaining to rows.
Somite :: Somite (n.) One of the actual or ideal serial segments of which an animal, esp. an articulate or vertebrate, is is composed; somatome; metamere..
Serially :: Serially (adv.) In a series, or regular order; in a serial manner; as, arranged serially; published serially..
Biserial :: Biserial (a.) Alt. of Biseriat.
Uniseriate :: Uniseriate (a.) Having one line or series; uniserial.
Fol''io :: Fol'io (v. t.) To put a serial number on each folio or page of (a book); to page.
Homotypy :: Homotypy (n.) A term suggested by Haeckel to be instead of serial homology. See Homotype.
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