Definition of abbey

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Abbey (n.) The church of a monastery.

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Close :: Close (v. t.) An inclosed place; especially, a small field or piece of land surrounded by a wall, hedge, or fence of any kind; -- specifically, the precinct of a cathedral or abbey..
Galilee :: Galilee (n.) A porch or waiting room, usually at the west end of an abbey church, where the monks collected on returning from processions, where bodies were laid previous to interment, and where women were allowed to see the monks to whom they were related, or to hear divine service. Also, frequently applied to the porch of a church, as at Ely and Durham cathedrals..
Superiority :: Superioress (n.) A woman who acts as chief in a convent, abbey, or nunnery; a lady superior..
Superioress :: Superior (n.) The head of a monastery, convent, abbey, or the like..
Abbe :: Abbe (n.) The French word answering to the English abbot, the head of an abbey; but commonly a title of respect given in France to every one vested with the ecclesiastical habit or dress..
Priory :: Priory (n.) A religious house presided over by a prior or prioress; -- sometimes an offshoot of, an subordinate to, an abbey, and called also cell, and obedience. See Cell, 2..
Abbeys :: Abbeys (pl. ) of Abbe.
Solemnity :: Solemnity (n.) Solemn state or feeling; awe or reverence; also, that which produces such a feeling; as, the solemnity of an audience; the solemnity of Westminster Abbey..
Staple :: Staple (n.) A district granted to an abbey.
Abbot :: Abbot (n.) One of a class of bishops whose sees were formerly abbeys.
Abbey :: Abbey (n.) The church of a monastery.
Hermitary :: Hermitary (n.) A cell annexed to an abbey, for the use of a hermit..
Abbot :: Abbot (n.) The superior or head of an abbey.
Scriptorium :: Scriptorium (n.) In an abbey or monastery, the room set apart for writing or copying manuscripts; in general, a room devoted to writing..
Chapel :: Chapel (n.) A printing office, said to be so called because printing was first carried on in England in a chapel near Westminster Abbey..
Corody :: Corody (n.) An allowance of meat, drink, or clothing due from an abbey or other religious house for the sustenance of such of the king's servants as he may designate to receive it..
Abbey :: Abbey (n.) A monastery or society of persons of either sex, secluded from the world and devoted to religion and celibacy; also, the monastic building or buildings..
Abbatial :: Abbatial (a.) Belonging to an abbey; as, abbatial rights..
Abbess :: Abbess (n.) A female superior or governess of a nunnery, or convent of nuns, having the same authority over the nuns which the abbots have over the monks. See Abbey..
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