Definition of searcher

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of searcher is as below...

Searcher (n.) An officer of the customs whose business it is to search ships, merchandise, luggage, etc..

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Researcher :: Researcher (n.) One who researches.
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) An instrument for examining the bore of a cannon, to detect cavities..
Streamful :: Streamer (n.) A searcher for stream tin.
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) One who, or that which, searhes or examines; a seeker; an inquirer; an examiner; a trier..
Indagator :: Indagator (n.) A searcher; an explorer; an investigator.
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) An officer of the customs whose business it is to search ships, merchandise, luggage, etc..
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) Formerly, an officer in London appointed to examine the bodies of the dead, and report the cause of death..
Explorator :: Explorator (n.) One who explores; one who examines closely; a searcher.
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) An instrument for feeling after calculi in the bladder, etc..
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) An implement for sampling butter; a butter trier.
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) An inspector of leather.
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