Definition of sealed

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Sealed (imp. & p. p.) of Sea.

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Countersealed :: Countersealed (imp. & p. p.) of Countersea.
Bull :: Bull (v. i.) A letter, edict, or respect, of the pope, written in Gothic characters on rough parchment, sealed with a bulla, and dated a die Incarnationis, i. e., from the day of the Incarnation. See Apostolical brief, under Brief..
Water Hammer :: Water hammer () A vessel partly filled with water, exhausted of air, and hermetically sealed. When reversed or shaken, the water being unimpeded by air, strikes the sides in solid mass with a sound like that of a hammer..
Obsignation :: Obsignation (n.) The act of sealing or ratifying; the state of being sealed or confirmed; confirmation, as by the Holy Spirit..
Deed :: Deed (v. t.) A sealed instrument in writing, on paper or parchment, duly executed and delivered, containing some transfer, bargain, or contract..
Unseal :: Unseal (v. t.) To break or remove the seal of; to open, as what is sealed; as, to unseal a letter..
Unkiss :: Unkiss (v. t.) To cancel or annul what was done or sealed by a kiss; to cancel by a kiss.
Can :: Can (v. t.) To preserve by putting in sealed can.
Unclosed :: Unclosed (a.) Not closed; not sealed; open.
Sealed :: Sealed (imp. & p. p.) of Sea.
Convey :: Convey (v. t.) To transfer or deliver to another; to make over, as property; more strictly (Law), to transfer (real estate) or pass (a title to real estate) by a sealed writing..
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