Definition of scope

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Scope (n.) Extended area.

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Adjustment :: Adjustment (n.) The operation of bringing all the parts of an instrument, as a microscope or telescope, into their proper relative position for use; the condition of being thus adjusted; as, to get a good adjustment; to be in or out of adjustment..
Scopeloid :: Scopeloid (n.) Any fish of the family Scopelidae.
Ophthalmoscopy :: Ophthalmoscopy (n.) Examination of the eye with the ophthalmoscope.
Scope :: Scope (n.) Extended area.
Microspectroscope :: Microspectroscope (n.) A spectroscope arranged for attachment to a microscope, for observation of the spectrum of light from minute portions of any substance..
Larungoscope :: Larungoscope (n.) An instrument, consisting of an arrangement of two mirrors, for reflecting light upon the larynx, and for examining its image..
Niloscope :: Niloscope (n.) A Nilometer.
Gastroscopy :: Gastroscopy (n.) Examination of the abdomen or stomach, as with the gastroscope..
Idiophanous :: Idiophanous (a.) Exhibiting interference figures without the aid of a polariscope, as certain crystals..
Jet :: "Jet (n.) Drift; scope; range, as of an argument..
Narrow :: Narrow (superl.) Contracted; of limited scope; illiberal; bigoted; as, a narrow mind; narrow views..
Outlook :: Outlook (n.) The view obtained by one looking out; scope of vision; prospect; sight; appearance.
Stereoscopy :: Stereoscopist (n.) One skilled in the use or construction of stereoscopes.
Polariscope :: Polariscope (n.) An instrument consisting essentially of a polarizer and an analyzer, used for polarizing light, and analyzing its properties..
Nephoscope :: Nephoscope (n.) An instrument for observing the clouds and their velocity.
Pseudoscopic :: Pseudoscopic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or formed by, a pseudoscope; having its parts appearing with the relief reversed; as, a pseudoscopic image..
Dipleidoscope :: Dipleidoscope (n.) An instrument for determining the time of apparent noon. It consists of two mirrors and a plane glass disposed in the form of a prism, so that, by the reflections of the sun's rays from their surfaces, two images are presented to the eye, moving in opposite directions, and coinciding at the instant the sun's center is on the meridian..
Hygroscope :: Hygroscope (n.) An instrument which shows whether there is more or less moisture in the atmosphere, without indicating its amount..
Megalo- :: Megalo- () Combining forms signifying: (a) Great, extended, powerful; as, megascope, megacosm..
Heliometer :: Heliometer (n.) An instrument devised originally for measuring the diameter of the sun; now employed for delicate measurements of the distance and relative direction of two stars too far apart to be easily measured in the field of view of an ordinary telescope.
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