Definition of scission

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Scission (n.) The act of dividing with an instrument having a sharp edge.

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Abscision :: Abscision (n.) See Abscission.
Scission :: Scission (n.) The act of dividing with an instrument having a sharp edge.
Rescindment :: Rescindment (n.) The act of rescinding; rescission.
Rescission :: Rescission (n.) The act of rescinding, abrogating, annulling, or vacating; as, the rescission of a law, decree, or judgment..
Apocope :: Apocope (n.) A cutting off; abscission.
Abscission :: Abscission (n.) The state of being cut off.
Abscission :: Abscission (n.) A figure of speech employed when a speaker having begun to say a thing stops abruptly: thus, He is a man of so much honor and candor, and of such generosity -- but I need say no more..
Abscission :: Abscission (n.) The act or process of cutting off.
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