Definition of scarify

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Scarify (v. t.) To scratch or cut the skin of; esp. (Med.), to make small incisions in, by means of a lancet or scarificator, so as to draw blood from the smaller vessels without opening a large vein..

Lern More About Scarify

Scarification :: Scarification (n.) The act of scarifying.
Metrotome :: Metrotome (n.) An instrument for cutting or scarifying the uterus or the neck of the uterus.
Scarifier :: Scarifier (n.) The instrument used for scarifying.
Scarify :: Scarify (v. t.) To scratch or cut the skin of; esp. (Med.), to make small incisions in, by means of a lancet or scarificator, so as to draw blood from the smaller vessels without opening a large vein..
Scarifying :: Scarifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Scarif.
Scarify :: Scarify (v. t.) To stir the surface soil of, as a field..
Pharyngotome :: Pharyngotome (n.) An instrument for incising or scarifying the tonsils, etc..
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