Definition of sanctify

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Sanctify (v. t.) To make free from sin; to cleanse from moral corruption and pollution; to purify.

Lern More About Sanctify

Sanctificate :: Sanctificate (v. t.) To sanctify.
Sanctify :: Sanctify (v. t.) To impart or impute sacredness, venerableness, inviolability, title to reverence and respect, or the like, to; to secure from violation; to give sanction to..
Sanctifying :: Sanctifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sanctif.
Sanctify :: Sanctify (v. t.) To make efficient as the means of holiness; to render productive of holiness or piety.
Sanctify :: Sanctify (v. t.) To make free from sin; to cleanse from moral corruption and pollution; to purify.
Sanctifyingly :: Sanctifyingly (adv.) In a manner or degree tending to sanctify or make holy.
Baptize :: Baptize (v. t.) To sanctify; to consecrate.
Sain :: Sain (v. t.) To sanctify; to bless so as to protect from evil influence.
Sanctify :: Sanctify (v. t.) To make sacred or holy; to set apart to a holy or religious use; to consecrate by appropriate rites; to hallow.
Unction :: Unction (n.) Divine or sanctifying grace.
Sanctification :: Sanctification (n.) The act of sanctifying or making holy; the state of being sanctified or made holy.
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