Definition of safeguard

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of safeguard is as below...

Safeguard (n.) One who, or that which, defends or protects; defense; protection..

Lern More About Safeguard

Safeguard :: Safeguard (n.) A convoy or guard to protect a traveler or property.
Safeguard :: Safeguard (n.) A pass; a passport; a safe-conduct.
Safeguard :: Safeguard (v. t.) To guard; to protect.
Escort :: Escort (n.) Protection, care, or safeguard on a journey or excursion; as, to travel under the escort of a friend..
Safeguard :: Safeguard (n.) One who, or that which, defends or protects; defense; protection..
Escort :: Escort (n.) To attend with a view to guard and protect; to accompany as safeguard; to give honorable or ceremonious attendance to; -- used esp. with reference to journeys or excursions on land; as, to escort a public functionary, or a lady; to escort a baggage wagon..
Defensive :: Defensive (n.) That which defends; a safeguard.
Paraph :: Paraph (n.) A flourish made with the pen at the end of a signature. In the Middle Ages, this formed a sort of rude safeguard against forgery..
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