Definition of batter

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Batter (v. t.) To wear or impair as if by beating or by hard usage.

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Fritter :: Fritter (v. t.) A small quantity of batter, fried in boiling lard or in a frying pan. Fritters are of various kinds, named from the substance inclosed in the batter; as, apple fritters, clam fritters, oyster fritters..
Captain :: Captain (n.) The military officer who commands a company, troop, or battery, or who has the rank entitling him to do so though he may be employed on other service..
Water Battery :: Water battery () A voltaic battery in which the exciting fluid is water.
Depolarizer :: Depolarizer (n.) A substance used to prevent polarization, as upon the negative plate of a voltaic battery..
Polarization :: Polarization (n.) An effect produced upon the plates of a voltaic battery, or the electrodes in an electrolytic cell, by the deposition upon them of the gases liberated by the action of the current. It is chiefly due to the hydrogen, and results in an increase of the resistance, and the setting up of an opposing electro-motive force, both of which tend materially to weaken the current of the battery, or that passing through the cell..
Mask :: Mask (n.) A screen for a battery.
Electro-positive :: Electro-positive (a.) Of such a nature relatively to some other associated body or bodies, as to tend to the negative pole of a voltaic battery, in electrolysis, while the associated body tends to the positive pole; -- the converse or correlative of electro-negative..
Pulsation :: Pulsation (n.) Any touching of another's body willfully or in anger. This constitutes battery.
Cover :: Cover (n.) Shelter; protection; as, the troops fought under cover of the batteries; the woods afforded a good cover..
Zinc :: Zinc (n.) An abundant element of the magnesium-cadmium group, extracted principally from the minerals zinc blende, smithsonite, calamine, and franklinite, as an easily fusible bluish white metal, which is malleable, especially when heated. It is not easily oxidized in moist air, and hence is used for sheeting, coating galvanized iron, etc. It is used in making brass, britannia, and other alloys, and is also largely consumed in electric batteries. Symbol Zn. Atomic weight 64.9..
Batter :: Batter (v. t.) To beat with successive blows; to beat repeatedly and with violence, so as to bruise, shatter, or demolish; as, to batter a wall or rampart..
Battery :: Battery (v. t.) A number of similar machines or devices in position; an apparatus consisting of a set of similar parts; as, a battery of boilers, of retorts, condensers, etc..
Caisson :: Caisson (n.) A four-wheeled carriage for conveying ammunition, consisting of two parts, a body and a limber. In light field batteries there is one caisson to each piece, having two ammunition boxes on the body, and one on the limber..
Ram :: Ram (n.) An engine of war used for butting or battering.
Chemiglyphic :: Chemiglyphic (a.) Engraved by a voltaic battery.
Battering-ram :: Battering-ram (n.) An engine used in ancient times to beat down the walls of besieged places.
Catelectrode :: Catelectrode (n.) The negative electrode or pole of a voltaic battery.
Battered :: Battered (imp. & p. p.) of Batte.
Thermobattery :: Thermobattery (n.) A thermoelectric battery; a thermopile.
Sergeant :: Sergeant (n.) In a company, battery, or troop, a noncommissioned officer next in rank above a corporal, whose duty is to instruct recruits in discipline, to form the ranks, etc..
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