Definition of ruminate

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Ruminate (v. t.) To chew over again.

Lern More About Ruminate

Ruminator :: Ruminator (n.) One who ruminates or muses; a meditator.
Ruminate :: Ruminate (v. i.) To chew the cud; to chew again what has been slightly chewed and swallowed.
Chaw :: Chaw (v. t.) To ruminate in thought; to consider; to keep the mind working upon; to brood over.
Ruminate :: Ruminate (a.) Alt. of Ruminate.
Rumination :: Rumination (n.) The state of being disposed to ruminate or ponder; deliberate meditation or reflection.
Conferruminate :: Conferruminate (a.) Alt. of Conferruminate.
Chew :: Chew (v. i.) To perform the action of biting and grinding with the teeth; to ruminate; to meditate.
Ferruminate :: Ferruminate (v. t.) To solder or unite, as metals..
Ruminate :: Ruminate (v. i.) To think again and again; to muse; to meditate; to ponder; to reflect.
Ruminate :: Ruminate (v. t.) To chew over again.
Conferruminated :: Conferruminated (a.) Closely united by the coalescence, or sticking together, of contiguous faces, as in the case of the cotyledons of the live-oak acorn..
Mull :: Mull (v. i.) To work (over) mentally; to cogitate; to ruminate; -- usually with over; as, to mull over a thought or a problem..
Chew :: Chew (v. t.) To ruminate mentally; to meditate on.
Ruminated :: Ruminated (a.) Having a hard albumen penetrated by irregular channels filled with softer matter, as the nutmeg and the seeds of the North American papaw..
Ruminate :: Ruminate (v. t.) To meditate or ponder over; to muse on.
Ruminated :: Ruminated (imp. & p. p.) of Ruminat.
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