Definition of ruled

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Ruled (imp. & p. p.) of Rul.

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Rulable :: Rulable (a.) That may be ruled; subject to rule; accordant or conformable to rule.
Unruled :: Unruled (a.) Not governed or controlled.
Minority :: Minority (a. & n.) The smaller number; -- opposed to majority; as, the minority must be ruled by the majority..
Soldanrie :: Soldanrie (n.) The country ruled by a soldan, or sultan..
Hades :: Hades (n.) The nether world (according to classical mythology, the abode of the shades, ruled over by Hades or Pluto); the invisible world; the grave..
Obey :: Obey (v. t.) To submit to the authority of; to be ruled by.
Mourne :: Mourne (n.) The armed or feruled end of a staff; in a sheephook, the end of the staff to which the hook is attached..
Overrule :: Overrule (v. t.) To supersede, reject, annul, or rule against; as, the plea, or the decision, was overruled by the court..
Ruled :: Ruled (imp. & p. p.) of Rul.
Unappealable :: Unappealable (a.) Not to be appealed from; -- said of a judge or a judgment that can not be overruled.
Grating :: Grating (n.) A system of close equidistant and parallel lines lines or bars, especially lines ruled on a polished surface, used for producing spectra by diffraction; -- called also diffraction grating..
Overruled :: Overruled (imp. & p. p.) of Overrul.
Overrule :: Overrule (v. t.) To rule or determine in a contrary way; to decide against; to abrogate or alter; as, God overrules the purposes of men; the chairman overruled the point of order..
Rule :: Rule (v. i.) To keep within a (certain) range for a time; to be in general, or as a rule; as, prices ruled lower yesterday than the day before..
Beylic :: Beylic (n.) The territory ruled by a bey.
Unruled :: Unruled (a.) Not ruled or marked with lines; as, unruled paper..
Feruled :: Feruled (imp. & p. p.) of Ferul.
Ungovernable :: Ungovernable (a.) Not governable; not capable of being governed, ruled, or restrained; licentious; wild; unbridled; as, ungovernable passions..
Monarchy :: Monarchy (n.) The territory ruled over by a monarch; a kingdom.
Ruling :: Ruling (n.) The act of one who rules; ruled lines.
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