Definition of rood

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Rood (n.) The fourth part of an acre, or forty square rods..

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Dextrin :: Dextrin (n.) A translucent, gummy, amorphous substance, nearly tasteless and odorless, used as a substitute for gum, for sizing, etc., and obtained from starch by the action of heat, acids, or diastase. It is of somewhat variable composition, containing several carbohydrates which change easily to their respective varieties of sugar. It is so named from its rotating the plane of polarization to the right; -- called also British gum, Alsace gum, gommelin, leiocome, etc. See Achroodextrin, and Ery
Cove :: Cove (v. t.) To brood, cover, over, or sit over, as birds their eggs..
Brood :: Brood (a.) Sitting or inclined to sit on eggs.
Hatch :: Hatch (n.) The chickens produced at once or by one incubation; a brood.
Clucking :: Clucking (n.) The noise or call of a brooding hen.
Eelfare :: Eelfare (n.) A brood of eels.
Cluck :: Cluck (v. i.) To make the noise, or utter the call, of a brooding hen..
Abrood :: Abrood (adv.) In the act of brooding.
Brood :: Brood (v. t.) Heavy waste in tin and copper ores.
Monogoneutic :: Monogoneutic (a.) Having but one brood in a season.
Shrood :: Shrood (v. t.) To trim; to lop.
Brood :: Brood (v. t.) The young from the same dam, whether produced at the same time or not; young children of the same mother, especially if nearly of the same age; offspring; progeny; as, a woman with a brood of children..
Nide :: Nide (n.) A nestful; a brood; as, a nide of pheasants..
Brood :: Brood (v. t.) To think anxiously or moodily upon.
Sitting :: Sitting (n.) A brooding over eggs for hatching, as by fowls..
Sinistrin :: Sinistrin (n.) A mucilaginous carbohydrate, resembling achroodextrin, extracted from squill as a colorless amorphous substance; -- so called because it is levorotatory..
Brood :: Brood (v. t.) To cherish with care.
Croodle :: Croodle (v. i.) To coo.
Incubation :: Incubation (n.) A sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young; a brooding on, or keeping warm, (eggs) to develop the life within, by any process..
Roodebok :: Roodebok (n.) The pallah.
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