Sixteen :: Sixteen (a.) Six and ten; consisting of six and ten; fifteen and one more.
Sixteen :: Sixteen (n.) The number greater by a unit than fifteen; the sum of ten and six; sixteen units or objects.
Sixteen :: Sixteen (n.) A symbol representing sixteen units, as 16, or xvi..
Sixteenth :: Sixteenth (a.) Sixth after the tenth; next in order after the fifteenth.
Sixteenth :: Sixteenth (a.) Constituting or being one of sixteen equal parts into which anything is divided.
Sixteenth :: Sixteenth (n.) The quotient of a unit divided by sixteen; one of sixteen equal parts of one whole.
Sixteenth :: Sixteenth (n.) The next in order after the fifteenth; the sixth after the tenth.
Sixteenth :: Sixteenth (n.) An interval comprising two octaves and a second.
Sixth :: Sixth (a.) First after the fifth; next in order after the fifth.
Sixth :: Sixth (a.) Constituting or being one of six equal parts into which anything is divided.
Sixth :: Sixth (n.) The quotient of a unit divided by six; one of six equal parts which form a whole.
Sixth :: Sixth (n.) The next in order after the fifth.
Sixth :: Sixth (n.) The interval embracing six diatonic degrees of the scale.
Sixtieth :: Sixtieth (a.) Next in order after the fifty-ninth.
Sixtieth :: Sixtieth (a.) Constituting or being one one of sixty equal parts into which anything is divided.
Sixtieth :: Sixtieth (n.) The quotient of a unit divided by sixty; one of sixty equal parts forming a whole.
Sixtieth :: Sixtieth (n.) The next in order after the fifty-ninth; the tenth after the fiftieth.
Sixty :: Sixty (a.) Six times ten; fifty-nine and one more; threescore.
Sixty :: Sixty (n.) The sum of six times ten; sixty units or objects.
Sixty :: Sixty (n.) A symbol representing sixty units, as 60, lx., or LX..
Sixty-fourth :: Sixty-fourth (a.) Constituting or being one of sixty-four equal parts into which a thing is divided.