Definition of accurate

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Accurate (a.) Precisely fixed; executed with care; careful.

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Unaccurate :: Unaccurate (a.) Inaccurate.
Isochronon :: Isochronon (n.) A clock that is designed to keep very accurate time.
Misrecollection :: Misrecollection (n.) Erroneous or inaccurate recollection.
Emmetropia :: Emmetropia (n.) That refractive condition of the eye in which the rays of light are all brought accurately and without undue effort to a focus upon the retina; -- opposed to hypermetropia, myopia, an astigmatism..
Critical :: Critical (n.) Pertaining to criticism or the critic's art; of the nature of a criticism; accurate; as, critical knowledge; a critical dissertation..
Jointer :: Jointer (n.) A plane for smoothing the surfaces of pieces which are to be accurately joine.
Discriminate :: Discriminate (v. i.) To make a difference or distinction; to distinguish accurately; as, in judging of evidence, we should be careful to discriminate between probability and slight presumption..
Accurate :: Accurate (a.) Precisely fixed; executed with care; careful.
Accurate :: Accurate (a.) In exact or careful conformity to truth, or to some standard of requirement, the result of care or pains; free from failure, error, or defect; exact; as, an accurate calculator; an accurate measure; accurate expression, knowledge, etc..
Inexact :: Inexact (a.) Not exact; not precisely correct or true; inaccurate.
Define :: Define (v. t.) To determine the precise signification of; to fix the meaning of; to describe accurately; to explain; to expound or interpret; as, to define a word, a phrase, or a scientific term..
Misobserve :: Misobserve (v. t.) To observe inaccurately; to mistake in observing.
Accurately :: Accurately (adv.) In an accurate manner; exactly; precisely; without error or defect.
Strict :: Strict (a.) Exact; accurate; precise; rigorously nice; as, to keep strict watch; to pay strict attention..
Exquisite :: Exquisite (a.) Of delicate perception or close and accurate discrimination; not easy to satisfy; exact; nice; fastidious; as, exquisite judgment, taste, or discernment..
Determination :: Determination (n.) The act, process, or result of any accurate measurement, as of length, volume, weight, intensity, etc.; as, the determination of the ohm or of the wave length of light; the determination of the salt in sea water, or the oxygen in the air..
Incorrect :: Incorrect (a.) Not in accordance with the truth; inaccurate; not exact; as, an incorrect statement or calculation..
True :: True (n.) Conformable to fact; in accordance with the actual state of things; correct; not false, erroneous, inaccurate, or the like; as, a true relation or narration; a true history; a declaration is true when it states the facts..
Justly :: "Justly (a.) In a just manner; in conformity to law, justice, or propriety; by right; honestly; fairly; accurately..
Unaccurateness :: Unaccurateness (n.) Inaccuracy.
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