Definition of rock

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Rock (n.) Fig.: Anything which causes a disaster or wreck resembling the wreck of a vessel upon a rock.

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Flounce :: Flounce (v. t.) To deck with a flounce or flounces; as, to flounce a petticoat or a frock..
Floor :: Floor (n.) The rock underlying a stratified or nearly horizontal deposit.
Overlying :: Overlying (a.) Lying over or upon something; as, overlying rocks..
Phanerocrystalline :: Phanerocrystalline (a.) Distinctly crystalline; -- used of rocks. Opposed to cryptocrystalline.
Peridotite :: Peridotite (n.) An eruptive rock characterized by the presence of chrysolite (peridot). It also usually contains pyroxene, enstatite, chromite, etc. It is often altered to serpentine..
Wreck :: Wreck (v. t.) The ruins of a ship stranded; a ship dashed against rocks or land, and broken, or otherwise rendered useless, by violence and fracture; as, they burned the wreck..
Weathering :: Weathering (n.) The action of the elements on a rock in altering its color, texture, or composition, or in rounding off its edges..
Ammonitoidea :: Ammonitoidea (n. pl.) An extensive group of fossil cephalopods often very abundant in Mesozoic rocks. See Ammonite.
Water Rocket :: Water rocket () A cruciferous plant (Nasturtium sylvestre) with small yellow flowers.
Rocker :: Rocker (n.) Any implement or machine working with a rocking motion, as a trough mounted on rockers for separating gold dust from gravel, etc., by agitation in water..
Volcanist :: Volcanist (n.) One who believes in the igneous, as opposed to the aqueous, origin of the rocks of the earth's crust; a vulcanist. Cf. Neptunist..
Rosmarine :: Rosmarine (n.) A fabulous sea animal which was reported to climb by means of its teeth to the tops of rocks to feed upon the dew.
Jurassic :: "Jurassic (a.) Of the age of the middle Mesozoic, including, as divided in England and Europe, the Lias, Oolite, and Wealden; -- named from certain rocks of the Jura mountains..
Crock :: Crock (v. t.) To soil by contact, as with soot, or with the coloring matter of badly dyed cloth..
Rockfish :: Rockfish (n.) Any one of several California scorpaenoid food fishes of the genus Sebastichthys, as the red rockfish (S. ruber). They are among the most important of California market fishes. Called also rock cod, and garrupa..
Rock :: Rock (n.) A distaff used in spinning; the staff or frame about which flax is arranged, and from which the thread is drawn in spinning..
Ammunition :: Ammunition (n.) Articles used in charging firearms and ordnance of all kinds; as powder, balls, shot, shells, percussion caps, rockets, etc..
Breccia :: Breccia (n.) A rock composed of angular fragments either of the same mineral or of different minerals, etc., united by a cement, and commonly presenting a variety of colors..
Boulder :: Boulder (n.) A mass of any rock, whether rounded or not, that has been transported by natural agencies from its native bed. See Drift..
Globuliferous :: Globuliferous (a.) Bearing globules; in geology, used of rocks, and denoting a variety of concretionary structure, where the concretions are isolated globules and evenly distributed through the texture of the rock..
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