Apostrophe :: Apostrophe (n.) A figure of speech by which the orator or writer suddenly breaks off from the previous method of his discourse, and addresses, in the second person, some person or thing, absent or present; as, Milton's apostrophe to Light at the beginning of the third book of Paradise Lost..
Apostrophe :: Apostrophe (n.) The contraction of a word by the omission of a letter or letters, which omission is marked by the character ['] placed where the letter or letters would have been; as, call'd for called..
Apostrophe :: Apostrophe (n.) The mark ['] used to denote that a word is contracted (as in ne'er for never, can't for can not), and as a sign of the possessive, singular and plural; as, a boy's hat, boys' hats. In the latter use it originally marked the omission of the letter e..
Apostrophic :: Apostrophic (a.) Pertaining to an apostrophe, grammatical or rhetorical..
Apostrophize :: Apostrophize (p. pr. & vb. n.) To address by apostrophe.
Apostrophize :: Apostrophize (p. pr. & vb. n.) To contract by omitting a letter or letters; also, to mark with an apostrophe (') or apostrophes..
Apostrophize :: Apostrophize (v. i.) To use the rhetorical figure called apostrophe.
Arthrostraca :: Arthrostraca (n. pl.) One of the larger divisions of Crustacea, so called because the thorax and abdomen are both segmented; Tetradecapoda. It includes the Amphipoda and Isopoda..
Birostrate :: Birostrate (a.) Alt. of Birostrate.
Birostrated :: Birostrated (a.) Having a double beak, or two processes resembling beaks..
Brevirostral :: Brevirostral (a.) Alt. of Brevirostrat.
Brevirostrate :: Brevirostrate (a.) Short-billed; having a short beak.
Colostrum :: Colostrum (n.) The first milk secreted after delivery; biestings.
Colostrum :: Colostrum (n.) A mixture of turpentine and the yolk of an egg, formerly used as an emulsion..
Conirostral :: Conirostral (a.) Belonging to the Conirostres.
Conirostres :: Conirostres (n. pl.) A tribe of perching birds, including those which have a strong conical bill, as the finches..
Costrel :: Costrel (n.) A bottle of leather, earthenware, or wood, having ears by which it was suspended at the side..
Cultirostral :: Cultirostral (a.) Having a bill shaped like the colter of a plow, or like a knife, as the heron, stork, etc..
Cultirostres :: Cultirostres (n. pl.) A tribe of wading birds including the stork, heron, crane, etc..
Cumulostratus :: Cumulostratus (n.) A form of cloud. See Cloud.
Curvirostral :: Curvirostral (a.) Having a crooked beak, as the crossbill..
Curvirostres :: Curvirostres (n. pl.) A group of passerine birds, including the creepers and nuthatches..
Dentirostral :: Dentirostral (a.) Having a toothed bill; -- applied to a group of passerine birds, having the bill notched, and feeding chiefly on insects, as the shrikes and vireos. See Illust. (N) under Beak..
Dentirostrate :: Dentirostrate (a.) Dentirostral.
Dentirostres :: Dentirostres (pl. ) of Dentiroste.
Deprostrate :: Deprostrate (a.) Fully prostrate; humble; low; rude.
Entomostraca :: Entomostraca (n. pl.) One of the subclasses of Crustacea, including a large number of species, many of them minute. The group embraces several orders; as the Phyllopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda, and Pectostraca. See Copepoda, Phyllopoda, and Cladocera..
Entomostracan :: Entomostracan (a.) Relating to the Entomostraca.
Entomostracan :: Entomostracan (n.) One of the Entomostraca.
Entomostracous :: Entomostracous (a.) Belonging to the Entomostracans.
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