Definition of ripeness

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Ripeness (n.) The state or quality of being ripe; maturity;; completeness; perfection; as, the ripeness of grain; ripeness of manhood; ripeness of judgment..

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Mellow :: Mellow (superl.) Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp; as, a mellow apple..
Crudeness :: Crudeness (n.) A crude, undigested, or unprepared state; rawness; unripeness; immatureness; unfitness for a destined use or purpose; as, the crudeness of iron ore; crudeness of theories or plans..
Maturity :: Maturity (n.) The state or quality of being mature; ripeness; full development; as, the maturity of corn or of grass; maturity of judgment; the maturity of a plan..
Unripeness :: Unripeness (n.) Quality or state of being unripe.
Maturely :: Maturely (adv.) In a mature manner; with ripeness; completely.
Maturative :: Maturative (a.) Conducing to ripeness or maturity; hence, conducing to suppuration..
Greenness :: Greenness (n.) Immaturity; unripeness; as, the greenness of fruit; inexperience; as, the greenness of youth..
Ripeness :: Ripeness (n.) The state or quality of being ripe; maturity;; completeness; perfection; as, the ripeness of grain; ripeness of manhood; ripeness of judgment..
Prematurity :: Prematurity (n.) The quality or state of being premature; early, or untimely, ripeness; as, the prematurity of genius..
Maturate :: Maturate (a.) To bring to ripeness or maturity; to ripen.
Immaturity :: Immaturity (n.) The state or quality of being immature or not fully developed; unripeness; incompleteness.
Inconcoction :: Inconcoction (n.) The state of being undigested; unripeness; immaturity.
Mature :: Mature (v. t.) To bring or hasten to maturity; to promote ripeness in; to ripen; to complete; as, to mature one's plans..
Daniel :: Daniel (n.) A Hebrew prophet distinguished for sagacity and ripeness of judgment in youth; hence, a sagacious and upright judge..
Precocity :: Precocity (n.) The quality or state of being precocious; untimely ripeness; premature development, especially of the mental powers; forwardness..
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