Definition of ricochet

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Ricochet (n.) A rebound or skipping, as of a ball along the ground when a gun is fired at a low angle of elevation, or of a fiat stone thrown along the surface of water..

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Parados :: Parados (n.) An intercepting mound, erected in any part of a fortification to protect the defenders from a rear or ricochet fire; a traverse..
Ricochetted :: Ricochetted (imp. & p. p.) of Ricoche.
Ricochet :: Ricochet (n.) A rebound or skipping, as of a ball along the ground when a gun is fired at a low angle of elevation, or of a fiat stone thrown along the surface of water..
Ricochetting :: Ricochetting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ricoche.
Ricochet :: Ricochet (v. i.) To skip with a rebound or rebounds, as a flat stone on the surface of water, or a cannon ball on the ground. See Ricochet, n..
Ricochet :: Ricochet (v. t.) To operate upon by ricochet firing. See Ricochet, n..
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