Definition of reveal

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Reveal (v. t.) To make known (that which has been concealed or kept secret); to unveil; to disclose; to show.

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Revealability :: Revealability (n.) The quality or state of being revealable; revealableness.
Reveal :: Reveal (v. t.) Specifically, to communicate (that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction or agency)..
Revelation :: Revelation (n.) That which is revealed.
Theosophy :: Theosophy (n.) Any system of philosophy or mysticism which proposes to attain intercourse with God and superior spirits, and consequent superhuman knowledge, by physical processes, as by the theurgic operations of some ancient Platonists, or by the chemical processes of the German fire philosophers; also, a direct, as distinguished from a revealed, knowledge of God, supposed to be attained by extraordinary illumination; especially, a direct insight into the processes of the divine mind, and the
Neology :: Neology (n.) A new doctrine; esp. (Theol.), a doctrine at variance with the received interpretation of revealed truth; a new method of theological interpretation; rationalism..
Irrevealable :: Irrevealable (a.) Incapable of being revealed.
Neologist :: Neologist (n.) An innovator in any doctrine or system of belief, especially in theology; one who introduces or holds doctrines subversive of supernatural or revealed religion; a rationalist, so-called..
Reveal :: Reveal (n.) The side of an opening for a window, doorway, or the like, between the door frame or window frame and the outer surface of the wall; or, where the opening is not filled with a door, etc., the whole thickness of the wall; the jamb..
Unfold :: Unfold (v. t.) To open, as anything covered or close; to lay open to view or contemplation; to bring out in all the details, or by successive development; to display; to disclose; to reveal; to elucidate; to explain; as, to unfold one's designs; to unfold the principles of a science..
Keep :: Keep (v. t.) To preserve from discovery or publicity; not to communicate, reveal, or betray, as a secret..
Open :: Open (a.) Not concealed or secret; not hidden or disguised; exposed to view or to knowledge; revealed; apparent; as, open schemes or plans; open shame or guilt..
Decipher :: Decipher (v. t.) To find out, so as to be able to make known the meaning of; to make out or read, as words badly written or partly obliterated; to detect; to reveal; to unfold..
Revelation :: Revelation (n.) The act of revealing divine truth.
Descry :: Descry (v. t.) To discover; to disclose; to reveal.
Testament :: Testament (n.) One of the two distinct revelations of God's purposes toward man; a covenant; also, one of the two general divisions of the canonical books of the sacred Scriptures, in which the covenants are respectively revealed; as, the Old Testament; the New Testament; -- often limited, in colloquial language, to the latter..
Bewrayer :: Bewrayer (n.) One who, or that which, bewrays; a revealer..
Design :: Design (n.) Specifically, intention or purpose as revealed or inferred from the adaptation of means to an end; as, the argument from design..
Cunningman :: Cunningman (n.) A fortune teller; one who pretends to reveal mysteries.
Jehovah :: "Jehovah (n.) A Scripture name of the Supreme Being, by which he was revealed to the Jews as their covenant God or Sovereign of the theocracy; the ""ineffable name"" of the Supreme Being, which was not pronounced by the Jews..
Urim :: Urim (n.) A part or decoration of the breastplate of the high priest among the ancient Jews, by which Jehovah revealed his will on certain occasions. Its nature has been the subject of conflicting conjectures..
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