Definition of respectively

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Respectively (adv.) With respect; regardfully.

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Cuniform :: Cuniform (n.) One of the three tarsal bones supporting the first, second third metatarsals. They are usually designated as external, middle, and internal, or ectocuniform, mesocuniform, and entocuniform, respectively..
Irrespectively :: Irrespectively (adv.) Without regard to conditions; not making circumstances into consideration.
Valence :: Valence (n.) The degree of combining power of an atom (or radical) as shown by the number of atoms of hydrogen (or of other monads, as chlorine, sodium, etc.) with which it will combine, or for which it can be substituted, or with which it can be compared; thus, an atom of hydrogen is a monad, and has a valence of one; the atoms of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon are respectively dyads, triads, and tetrads, and have a valence respectively of two, three, and four..
Respectively :: Respectively (adv.) As relating to each; particularly; as each belongs to each; as each refers to each in order; as, let each man respectively perform his duty..
Flamen :: Flamen (n.) A priest devoted to the service of a particular god, from whom he received a distinguishing epithet. The most honored were those of Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus, called respectively Flamen Dialis, Flamen Martialis, and Flamen Quirinalis..
Toluic :: Toluic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, one of three metameric acids, CH3.C6H4.CO2H, which are related to toluene and analogous to benzoic acids. They are white crystalline substances, and are called respectively orthotoluic acid, metatoluic acid, and paratoluic acid..
Lutidine :: Lutidine (n.) Any one of several metameric alkaloids, C5H3N.(CH3)2, of the pyridine series, obtained from bone oil as liquids, and having peculiar pungent odors. These alkaloids are also called respectively dimethyl pyridine, ethyl pyridine, etc..
Chevron :: Chevron (n.) One of the nine honorable ordinaries, consisting of two broad bands of the width of the bar, issuing, respectively from the dexter and sinister bases of the field and conjoined at its center..
Xylyl :: Xylyl (n.) Any one of three metameric radicals which are characteristic respectively of the three xylenes.
Xylene :: Xylene (n.) Any of a group of three metameric hydrocarbons of the aromatic series, found in coal and wood tar, and so named because found in crude wood spirit. They are colorless, oily, inflammable liquids, C6H4.(CH3)2, being dimethyl benzenes, and are called respectively orthoxylene, metaxylene, and paraxylene. Called also xylol..
Lotus :: Lotus (n.) A name of several kinds of water lilies; as Nelumbium speciosum, used in religious ceremonies, anciently in Egypt, and to this day in Asia; Nelumbium luteum, the American lotus; and Nymphaea Lotus and N. caerulea, the respectively white-flowered and blue-flowered lotus of modern Egypt, which, with Nelumbium speciosum, are figured on its ancient monuments..
Respectively :: Respectively (adv.) With respect; regardfully.
Testament :: Testament (n.) One of the two distinct revelations of God's purposes toward man; a covenant; also, one of the two general divisions of the canonical books of the sacred Scriptures, in which the covenants are respectively revealed; as, the Old Testament; the New Testament; -- often limited, in colloquial language, to the latter..
Pyrocitric :: Pyrocitric (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, any one of three acids obtained by the distillation of citric acid, and called respectively citraconic, itaconic, and mesaconic acid..
Consul :: Consul (n.) One of the three chief magistrates of France from 1799 to 1804, who were called, respectively, first, second, and third consul..
Persalt :: Persalt (n.) A term formerly given to the salts supposed to be formed respectively by neutralizing acids with certain peroxides.
Haematoin :: Haematoin (n.) A substance formed from the hematin of blood, by removal of the iron through the action of concentrated sulphuric acid. Two like bodies, called respectively haematoporphyrin and haematolin, are formed in a similar manner..
Xylylene :: Xylylene (n.) Any one of three metameric radicals, CH2.C6H4.CH2, derived respectively from the three xylenes. Often used adjectively; as, xylylene alcohol..
Respectively :: Respectively (adv.) Relatively; not absolutely.
Normal :: Normal (a.) Denoting certain hypothetical compounds, as acids from which the real acids are obtained by dehydration; thus, normal sulphuric acid and normal nitric acid are respectively S(OH)6, and N(OH)5..
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