Definition of respectful

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Respectful (a.) Marked or characterized by respect; as, respectful deportment..

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Dutiful :: Dutiful (a.) Controlled by, proceeding from, a sense of duty; respectful; deferential; as, dutiful affection..
Sir :: Sir (n.) A respectful title, used in addressing a man, without being prefixed to his name; -- used especially in speaking to elders or superiors; sometimes, also, used in the way of emphatic formality..
Reverent :: Reverent (a.) Disposed to revere; impressed with reverence; submissive; humble; respectful; as, reverent disciples..
Fear :: Fear (n.) Respectful reverence for men of authority or worth.
Disrespectful :: Disrespectful (a.) Wanting in respect; manifesting disesteem or lack of respect; uncivil; as, disrespectful behavior..
Saheb :: Saheb (n.) A respectful title or appellation given to Europeans of rank.
Ceremonious :: Ceremonious (a.) According to prescribed or customary rules and forms; devoted to forms and ceremonies; formally respectful; punctilious.
Unreverend :: Unreverend (a.) Disrespectful; irreverent.
Ma :: Ma (n.) In Oriental countries, a respectful form of address given to a woman; mother..
Respective :: Respective (a.) Rendering respect; respectful; regardful.
Courtesy :: Courtesy (v. i.) To make a respectful salutation or movement of respect; esp. (with reference to women), to bow the body slightly, with bending of the knes..
Reverently :: Reverently (adv.) In a reverent manner; in respectful regard.
Respectuous :: Respectuous (a.) Respectful; as, a respectuous silence..
Insolent :: Insolent (a.) Haughty and contemptuous or brutal in behavior or language; overbearing; domineering; grossly rude or disrespectful; saucy; as, an insolent master; an insolent servant..
Disrespective :: Disrespective (a.) Showing want of respect; disrespectful.
Dread :: Dread (n.) Reverential or respectful fear; awe.
Irrespective :: Irrespective (a.) Disrespectful.
Cap :: Cap (n.) A respectful uncovering of the head.
Cap :: Cap (v. i.) To uncover the head respectfully.
Hadji :: Hadji (n.) A Mohammedan pilgrim to Mecca; -- used among Orientals as a respectful salutation or a title of honor.
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