Definition of remise

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Remise (v. t.) To send, give, or grant back; to release a claim to; to resign or surrender by deed; to return..

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Ground :: Ground (n.) The basis on which anything rests; foundation. Hence: The foundation of knowledge, belief, or conviction; a premise, reason, or datum; ultimate or first principle; cause of existence or occurrence; originating force or agency; as, the ground of my hope..
Inferable :: Inferable (a.) Capable of being inferred or deduced from premises.
Speculation :: Speculation (n.) The act or process of reasoning a priori from premises given or assumed.
Speculate :: Speculate (v. i.) To view subjects from certain premises given or assumed, and infer conclusions respecting them a priori..
Deduction :: Deduction (n.) That which is deduced or drawn from premises by a process of reasoning; an inference; a conclusion.
Premise :: Premise (n.) To send before the time, or beforehand; hence, to cause to be before something else; to employ previously..
Result :: Result (v. i.) To proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought, or endeavor..
Traduction :: Traduction (n.) A process of reasoning in which each conclusion applies to just such an object as each of the premises applies to.
Subsumptive :: Subsumption (n.) That which is subsumed, as the minor clause or premise of a syllogism..
Premise :: Premise (v. i.) To make a premise; to set forth something as a premise.
Trilemma :: Trilemma (n.) A syllogism with three conditional propositions, the major premises of which are disjunctively affirmed in the minor. See Dilemma..
Conclude :: Conclude (v. t.) To reach as an end of reasoning; to infer, as from premises; to close, as an argument, by inferring; -- sometimes followed by a dependent clause..
Premise :: Premise (n.) Matters previously stated or set forth; esp., that part in the beginning of a deed, the office of which is to express the grantor and grantee, and the land or thing granted or conveyed, and all that precedes the habendum; the thing demised or granted..
Ratiocination :: Ratiocination (n.) The process of reasoning, or deducing conclusions from premises; deductive reasoning..
Inconsequent :: Inconsequent (a.) Not following from the premises; not regularly inferred; invalid; not characterized by logical method; illogical; arbitrary; inconsistent; of no consequence.
Deductive :: Deductive (a.) Of or pertaining to deduction; capable of being deduced from premises; deducible.
Gatherable :: Gatherable (a.) Capable of being gathered or collected; deducible from premises.
Inconsequential :: Inconsequential (a.) Not regularly following from the premises; hence, irrelevant; unimportant; of no consequence..
Sumptuary :: Sumption (n.) The major premise of a syllogism.
Premise :: Premise (n.) To set forth beforehand, or as introductory to the main subject; to offer previously, as something to explain or aid in understanding what follows; especially, to lay down premises or first propositions, on which rest the subsequent reasonings..
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