Definition of premise

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Premise (v. i.) To make a premise; to set forth something as a premise.

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Consectary :: Consectary (n.) That which follows by consequence or is logically deducible; deduction from premises; corollary.
Non Sequitur :: Non sequitur () An inference which does not follow from the premises.
Inconsequent :: Inconsequent (a.) Not following from the premises; not regularly inferred; invalid; not characterized by logical method; illogical; arbitrary; inconsistent; of no consequence.
Ratiocination :: Ratiocination (n.) The process of reasoning, or deducing conclusions from premises; deductive reasoning..
Prosylogism :: Prosylogism (n.) A syllogism preliminary or logically essential to another syllogism; the conclusion of such a syllogism, which becomes a premise of the following syllogism..
Derivable :: Derivable (a.) That can be derived; obtainable by transmission; capable of being known by inference, as from premises or data; capable of being traced, as from a radical; as, income is derivable from various sources..
Watchdog :: Watchdog (n.) A dog kept to watch and guard premises or property, and to give notice of the approach of intruders..
Draw :: Draw (v. t.) To obtain from some cause or origin; to infer from evidence or reasons; to deduce from premises; to derive.
Hysteron Proteron :: Hysteron proteron () An inversion of logical order, in which the conclusion is put before the premises, or the thing proved before the evidence..
Given :: Given (v.) Granted; assumed; supposed to be known; set forth as a known quantity, relation, or premise..
Enthymeme :: Enthymeme (n.) An argument consisting of only two propositions, an antecedent and consequent deduced from it; a syllogism with one premise omitted; as, We are dependent; therefore we should be humble. Here the major proposition is suppressed. The complete syllogism would be, Dependent creatures should be humble; we are dependent creatures; therefore we should be humble..
Reason :: Reason (n.) To exercise the rational faculty; to deduce inferences from premises; to perform the process of deduction or of induction; to ratiocinate; to reach conclusions by a systematic comparison of facts.
Traduction :: Traduction (n.) A process of reasoning in which each conclusion applies to just such an object as each of the premises applies to.
Reentry :: Reentry (n.) A resuming or retaking possession of what one has lately foregone; -- applied especially to land; the entry by a lessor upon the premises leased, on failure of the tenant to pay rent or perform the covenants in the lease..
Conclusion :: Conclusion (n.) The inferred proposition of a syllogism; the necessary consequence of the conditions asserted in two related propositions called premises. See Syllogism.
Premise :: Premise (n.) Either of the first two propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is drawn..
Ground :: Ground (n.) The basis on which anything rests; foundation. Hence: The foundation of knowledge, belief, or conviction; a premise, reason, or datum; ultimate or first principle; cause of existence or occurrence; originating force or agency; as, the ground of my hope..
Premises :: Premises (pl. ) of Premis.
Result :: Result (v. i.) To proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought, or endeavor..
Improvement :: Improvement (n.) Valuable additions or betterments, as buildings, clearings, drains, fences, etc., on premises..
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