Definition of rejudge

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Rejudge (v. t.) To judge again; to reexamine; to review; to call to a new trial and decision.

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Prejudicate :: Prejudicate (v. t.) To determine beforehand, especially to disadvantage; to prejudge..
Forejudge :: Forejudge (v. t.) To expel from court for some offense or misconduct, as an attorney or officer; to deprive or put out of a thing by the judgment of a court..
Forejudger :: Forejudger (n.) A judgment by which one is deprived or put of a right or thing in question.
Prejudge :: Prejudge (v. t.) To judge before hearing, or before full and sufficient examination; to decide or sentence by anticipation; to condemn beforehand..
Forejudge :: Forejudge (v. t.) To judge beforehand, or before hearing the facts and proof; to prejudge..
Prejudicate :: Prejudicate (v. i.) To prejudge.
Prejudged :: Prejudged (imp. & p. p.) of Prejudg.
Rejudge :: Rejudge (v. t.) To judge again; to reexamine; to review; to call to a new trial and decision.
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