Definition of reef

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Reef (n.) A chain or range of rocks lying at or near the surface of the water. See Coral reefs, under Coral..

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Reef :: Reef (n.) A large vein of auriferous quartz; -- so called in Australia. Hence, any body of rock yielding valuable ore..
Judgment :: "Judgment (v. i.) That act of the mind by which two notions or ideas which are apprehended as distinct are compared for the purpose of ascertaining their agreement or disagreement. See 1. The comparison may be threefold: (1) Of individual objects forming a concept. (2) Of concepts giving what is technically called a judgment. (3) Of two judgments giving an inference. Judgments have been further classed as analytic, synthetic, and identical..
Reefer :: Reefer (n.) One who reefs; -- a name often given to midshipmen.
Topsail :: Topsail (n.) In a square-rigged vessel, the sail next above the lowermost sail on a mast. This sail is the one most frequently reefed or furled in working the ship. In a fore-and-aft rigged vessel, the sail set upon and above the gaff. See Cutter, Schooner, Sail, and Ship..
Nettles :: Nettles (n. pl.) Reef points.
Tergeminous :: Tergeminous (a.) Threefold; thrice-paired.
Tern :: Tern (a.) Threefold; triple; consisting of three; ternate.
Triplicity :: Triplicity (a.) The quality or state of being triple, or threefold; trebleness..
Foreefront :: Foreefront (n.) Foremost part or place.
Earing :: Earing (n.) A line for hauling the reef cringle to the yard; -- also called reef earing.
Trigeminous :: Trigeminous (a.) Born three together; being one of three born at the same birth; also, threefold..
Reefing :: Reefing (n.) The process of taking in a reef.
Reefer :: Reefer (n.) A close-fitting lacket or short coat of thick cloth.
Reefy :: Reefy (a.) Full of reefs or rocks.
Balancereef :: Balancereef (n.) The last reef in a fore-and-aft sail, taken to steady the ship..
Treefuls :: Treefuls (pl. ) of Treefu.
Atoll :: Atoll (n.) A coral island or islands, consisting of a belt of coral reef, partly submerged, surrounding a central lagoon or depression; a lagoon island..
Augment :: Augment (v. t.) To enlarge or increase in size, amount, or degree; to swell; to make bigger; as, to augment an army by reeforcements; rain augments a stream; impatience augments an evil..
Cow-pilot :: Cow-pilot (n.) A handsomely banded, coral-reef fish, of Florida and the West Indies (Pomacentrus saxatilis); -- called also mojarra..
Three-ply :: Three-ply (a.) Consisting of three distinct webs inwrought together in weaving, as cloth or carpeting; having three strands; threefold..
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