Definition of recitation

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Recitation (n.) The act of reciting; rehearsal; repetition of words or sentences.

Lern More About Recitation

Ballad :: Ballad (n.) A popular kind of narrative poem, adapted for recitation or singing; as, the ballad of Chevy Chase; esp., a sentimental or romantic poem in short stanzas..
Recitation :: Recitation (n.) The act of reciting; rehearsal; repetition of words or sentences.
Skin :: Skin (v. i.) To produce, in recitation, examination, etc., the work of another for one's own, or to use in such exercise cribs, memeoranda, etc., which are prohibited..
Recitative :: Recitative (n.) A species of musical recitation in which the words are delivered in a manner resembling that of ordinary declamation; also, a piece of music intended for such recitation; -- opposed to melisma..
Mangle :: Mangle (v. t.) To mutilate or injure, in making, doing, or pertaining; as, to mangle a piece of music or a recitation..
Recitation :: Recitation (n.) The delivery before an audience of something committed to memory, especially as an elocutionary exhibition; also, that which is so delivered..
Rush :: Rush (n.) A perfect recitation.
Crib :: Crib (v. i.) To make notes for dishonest use in recitation or examination.
Recitative :: Recitative (a.) Of or pertaining to recitation; intended for musical recitation or declamation; in the style or manner of recitative.
Hear :: Hear (v. t.) To give audience or attention to; to listen to; to heed; to accept the doctrines or advice of; to obey; to examine; to try in a judicial court; as, to hear a recitation; to hear a class; the case will be heard to-morrow..
Reciter :: Reciter (n.) One who recites; also, a book of extracts for recitation..
Rhapsody :: Rhapsody (n.) A recitation or song of a rhapsodist; a portion of an epic poem adapted for recitation, or usually recited, at one time; hence, a division of the Iliad or the Odyssey; -- called also a book..
Declamation :: Declamation (n.) The act or art of declaiming; rhetorical delivery; haranguing; loud speaking in public; especially, the public recitation of speeches as an exercise in schools and colleges; as, the practice declamation by students..
Recitation :: Recitation (n.) The rehearsal of a lesson by pupils before their instructor.
Time-table :: Time-table (n.) A tabular statement of the time at which, or within which, several things are to take place, as the recitations in a school, the departure and arrival of railroad trains or other public conveyances, the rise and fall of the tides, etc..
Cut :: Cut (v. t.) To absent one's self from; as, to cut an appointment, a recitation. etc..
Cantillation :: Cantillation (n.) A chanting; recitation or reading with musical modulations.
Flunk :: Flunk (n.) a total failure in a recitation.
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